Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Education in Crisis

Over the past few years, there has been a growing concern about the declining state of the educational system in Argentina. The main reasons for this decay have to do with a low education budget and a lack of a common language and dialogue between parents, authorities and teachers. We might think of different solutions that can be aimed at improving our education. 

Perhaps one of the main reasons for this is the low education budget, which prevents both teachers and students from having enough resources to accomplish a successful education. Another contributing factor includes the fact that there is a lack of a common language and dialogue between parents, authorities and teachers. Furthermore, our society keeps changing at a speed that schools are not prepared to comply with .  As a direct consequence,  education is in crisis.

       One way to deal with this crisis would be to ensure higher education budgets. More financial support from the state might be a good start to change this situation since nowadays, many schools cannot  even afford the basic needs. By increasing the budgets, teachers and school authorities would not need to concentrate their attention on how to overcome the crisis but on their actual aim: to provide students with high quality education.

        Another possible measure to combat the crisis would be to set  a common language as regards objectives and priorities between families, teachers and authorities. There is a clear  misunderstanding whose outcome is reflected in the poor education quality. Every stakehoder that is part of the educational system seems to have different expectations and priorities, but for education to be effective, a change in the educational paradigm should occur. It would be certainly a good idea to remember that it is the students who are our priority.  

        One final suggestion that would help to improve this situation would be to start considering the real demands from our society . Schools are sometimes seen as  bubbles which do not comply with the real demands of our culture and society. Owing to the outdated views many educators have on different issues, for example, the methods used for teaching or the importance of teaching certain values,  it is a tall task to prepare students successfully to be part of society.   

         To conclude, there are several measures which could be taken to improve education in Argentina. If we were all to collaborate, to create dialogue and to set common objectives, it would help to raise people’s awareness of the importance of education. It should be one of our priorities to invest in education. 

Discrimination in the Classroom

The teacher's role. 

"Why do you wear the same old fashioned and stained T-shirt everyday? It's high time for you to get a new one, don't you think?" Such an innocent utterance can trigger off a painful experience in a child's life. Discrimination among students may sound very familiar to all school teachers. It is definitely a tall task for teachers to have to deal with these appaling daily situations. Is trying to avoid discrimination the foremost role of teachers? Maybe trying to make students aware of the consequences discrimination may bring about would be a starting point. 

Nowadays, it is very common to find multi-cultural classrooms, given that children from different contexts and backgrounds attend a same school. Although teachers know that a chocolate-box classroom does not exist, they specifically need to be on the alert as regards discrimination and the manifold reactions students can have. It is essential for teachers to be trained so as to be able to face these multicultural classrooms and prepare students to accept and live with different people from different contexts.

Students are used to facing discrimination not only in the classroom but also at home, in the streets and even on TV. Teachers cannot stop discrimination outside school but it is their role to find the roots of the problems in the classroom and to do away with it. An efficient teacher should first be a model for his/her students and secondly, figure out strategies to make kids aware of the fact that discrimination is present everywhere. However, they do not have the right to hurt others.
Another role of utmost importance that a teacher should be ready to play is to ensure a good education to students who suffer from discrimination. Their low quality performance in class is usually the result of how they feel: discouraged, frustrated and not willing to learn. Under these conditions, it is the teacher who should encourage and find the most suitable strategy to make the students feel comfortable and prepared to learn. 

All in all, it is the teacher's role to fight against discrimination in the classroom by providing students with tools in order to make them become aware of how rich it is to share the classroom with children from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds with different opinions and ideas. However, it is not only the teacher who should be in charge of changing this situation, but also the families. It is a collaborative task and everyone should cooperate. 

Friday, November 19, 2010


Dear Writing Experience,

    I am writing to you to let you know how I have improved on my writing skills and the obstacles I had to overcome during this year. To be honest, I had my ups and downs but I have managed to identify the problems, tackle them and finally clear them up, although there are still things to work on.

    This year I experienced a writing process I had never been exposed to before. My piece of writing started as a simple brainstorming session by jotting down ideas before setting to write. After that, I focused on the text organization and I thought about who the audience of my writing would be. According to this, I chose the suitable vocabulary and register I would be using. This was just how the piece was born.

    To start with the second step, I developed my ideas in paragraphs, including the vocabulary learnt throughout the year and in previous years. The following steps were peer feedback and tutor feedback before submitting the last version  to my teacher. I think I have made my best efforts in order to achieve my goals as regards writing.

    There was sometimes a feeling of frustration in me. After getting some good pieces of advice from the teacher, whenever a difficulty arose, I was able to deal with it successfully. My foremost objective during this year was to be able to spot mistakes since I consider this a tall task for me.

    I am sorry to tell you this, but you have definitely changed for the better from the beginning of this year.

A true tale of Argentine life

An unexpected guest

Have you ever  experienced  being in front of a U.F.O.? There are many people who claim to have actually seen these flying creatures but there is no need to talk about others. I have experienced it myself and to be honest, it was a before and after in my life. 

When I was about 8 years old, I used to live with my parents in Avellaneda but on a Sunday night, a day I will never forget, I stayed at my uncle Poroto’s house. The house was immense for such a young boy. I can still picture that gigantic backyard full of leaves rustling in the middle of the night. I was very concentrated watching “Los supercampeones”, my favourite daily cartoon when, out of the blue,  I noticed an intense and blinding light in the garden out of the corner of my eye. It was a harsh light coming from the sky.

I started to shake like a leaf and my heart was throbbing frantically. I could not believe my eyes. I had never been so shocked in my whole life. Who would believe what I was seeing? I was too little but I could tell that it was  a UFO. I had dreamt all my life about UFOs. I tiptoed out of the living room into the garden to make sure I was not dreaming. I stood stiff in front of the light which dazzled me.

After some minutes trying to make out what was in the middle of that glowing light, I suddenly heard a piercing sound and this strange object rose into the sky again. I could only see a dark shadow surrounded by the light. I looked up trying to find an explanation for what had just happened, but … was there any? I’m 45 and I still can’t find it! I shuffled into the house and sat staring at the wall. I felt sheer frustration since I could not gather any evidence of what I had just undergone.  

This unexpected guest was an eye-opener in my life. Believe it or not, from then on, I started to look at things in a different way. I believe in extraterrestrial and intelligent life on other planets and paranormal forces.  You may think I am a loony but wait until a true story like this one happens to you!  

Friday, November 12, 2010


You may find it very comfortable to have your own car nowadays. However, have you ever thought about the fact that due to lack of controls and drivers’ awareness of traffic rules, having a car is becoming a nightmare? Due to these driving conditions , more and more people are becoming victims of accidents, delays, traffic jams and violations of rights.

To start with, people do not abide by traffic regulations in Buenos Aires. They may know the rules, but they do not comply with them. This attitude is reflected in the constant increase in the  death and accident rate. Not only are the drivers who jump traffic lights to blame but also the pedestrians who do not wait for the right time to cross the street. On top of this, this inappropriate behavior is seldom punished.

To make matters worse, not only are our lives in jeopardy but our rights are also threatened. Although all drivers know where it is allowed to park and when, they turn a blind eye to this. They ignore the parking signs and what is even worse, they do not pay attention to wheelchair ramps. Why do we have to tolerate this careless behavior. Why is it that disabled people have to suffer from this? Regulations are made to be obeyed but we also need traffic wardens to help people become aware of them.

Furthermore, not only are people’s lives put in danger during the day but also at night due to the effects of alcohol and drugs. It is said that the most tragic accidents take place late at night, when drivers aged 17-30 drive back home. Some years ago, new laws were passed to control drunk-driving. At the beginning, wardens were very strict on them but as time went by the laws became laxer. It is generally agreed that if drivers do not drive under the expected conditions, they should be penalized for risking their lives as well as their friends’ and relatives’.

All in all, I believe that if you decide to drive a car in Buenos Aires, you should bear in mind all the dreadful situations you will probably face. As was stated before, the problems on the road affect not only drivers but also pedestrians. Having more traffic wardens would help to raise awareness as regards traffic regulations and respecting one another’s’ lives. 

My After Writing Reflections